The season of active gardening outside is over, but with fast-growing fall vegetables in containers, you can continue to refresh your salads and dishes with a crispy fresh, and healthy taste.
The vegetable garden on the porch or balcony will not only be your source of the freshest vitamins but will also help you relax after work and replenish your energy reserves.
If you are wondering where to start, check in the collection of fast-growing fall vegetable plants in containers, which is the most suitable taste for you, and act boldly.
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Arugula has such a specific taste that you will either fall in love with it forever or you will never taste it again.
But the benefits of this salad are countless and it will be perfect for your table.
It is most often used as an additive to mixed salads but is increasingly added to flavor pizzas, sandwiches, chicken and tuna salads, egg dishes, pasta, and tomato dishes.
Its taste is not mild, but rather resembles the taste of mustard. Its leaves look like a kind of weed, but if you look closely you will realize the difference.
Arugula is a fast-growing spring and autumn vegetable that can be grown not only in the garden but also in containers. It grows in a rosette up to 30 cm wide and high.
If you plant it in containers, choose a sunny place for it on the porch or terrace.
This plant loves cooler days in spring and autumn.
Plant it in late summer and after about 30-40 days you will have a decent addition to salads or dishes.
This period of growth makes it one of the fast-growing fall vegetables.
Fresh beans will give you a harvest in the fall, as long as you choose the right kind. It tolerates low temperatures, so don’t worry about leaving it outside, even in sub-zero temperatures.
Both the beans themselves and the leaves are consumable in this vegetable.
Beans are not uncommon to be seen grown in spaces other than the classic garden. It is often found in containers on balconies and terraces, as well as on flat roofs.
Light for this vegetable is also essential, so place it in a well-lit area with direct sunlight.
For growing beans in containers, you can choose elongated ones and copy their cultivation as it is done in the garden.
If you choose a round pot, place a mark group of seeds in the center, and when it grows, tie the ends in a cone.
via Quick Crop
Beetroot is a colorful vegetable with red roots, red stems, and green leaves.
Therefore, you can grow it as a beautiful decor on your porch.
Do not worry about leaving it outside in the winter, because it can withstand low temperatures and will survive.
Both its roots and leaves are edible. It can yield both in spring and autumn, depending on when it is planted.
If you plant it in a rich pot with good drainage and water it often, in fact, caring for beets is easy.
Its taste is valued in soups, salads, and appetizers.
via Gardener’s Path
Bok Choi
If you are one of those people who do not like cabbage, Bok Choi is its ideal substitute.
This vegetable is a cousin of cabbage but originates from China.
Bok Choi should not be planted in strong sunlight, so it is planted in mid to late-summer when the days get shorter.
If you decide to keep the plant until the first cold you should be quick with getting rid of it.
Bok Choi does not tolerate cold with temperatures below 1 degree Celsius.
The taste of Bok Choi is more tender than traditional Chinese cabbage and goes well with many dishes.
You can serve it raw as a salad, stew it in butter, add it to soups, rice, or other baked goods.
Carrots are a vegetable that was originally used only for medicinal purposes due to their rich content of vitamins, including A, B, C, and E.
The edible part of the vegetable is its root with a characteristic orange color.
Its taste is sweet and is suitable for salads, soups, baked goods, rice.
Carrots allow freezing, so once you pick your small garden, you can store them for the winter by placing them in the freezer.
Many types of canned food can be made with this vegetable.
Collard Greens
Collard Greens are vegetables with dark green leaves and hard stems.
This vegetable is from the cabbage and broccoli family but has a softer and more buttery taste.
If you choose this vegetable for your potted garden, keep in mind to choose a large container in which to place it to provide space for its large leaves.
It is an ideal addition to ham, smoked meat, and potatoes. Keep in mind that this vegetable has a slightly bitter taste.
via Gardening Tips
If you are a fan of fresh salads even in winter, this vegetable is a useful option that you can grow in a pot.
The daikon can be completely white or with a slightly pinkish crust.
Daikon is a fleshy and juicy vegetable with refreshing qualities. In addition to having a pleasant taste, this vegetable has a number of useful qualities due to the content of vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients, and pectin.
You can eat it fresh as an addition to salads.
If you cook it, it will acquire a slightly sweet taste to your dishes.
Green Onions
Having fresh vegetables on hand in both summer and winter is wonderful.
In fact, growing green onions in a container is very easy and you can always add them to salads and dishes.
If you choose a beautiful pot to plant green onions, you will also have a fresh green decoration on the window sill.
Onion is a perennial vegetable that you can plant again and again.
Your only concern for this vegetable will be to water it every 3-4 days and pluck the leaves to enjoy their taste.
If you cut its stems to consume them, in ten days they will grow again for a new harvest.
If you pluck the roots when they become heads, you will be able to consume them as well.
via Days Well Spent
Kale popularity because of its health benefits and with growing demand and its price rises.
So consider planting kale for your own use.
If you are worried about the lack of space for growing it, do not worry about putting it in containers.
You can even put it together with your annual flowers or perennials.
Choose a sunny place to place the container where the sunlight is at least 6 hours a day.
The requirements for growing this vegetable are to have residual moist soil.
Kale withstands the cold, so you can eat it until early winter.
via Gardener’s Path
Kohlrabi is an orange-sized vegetable with a light green rind under which a yellow inside is stored.
This vegetable also resembles cabbage but has a much sweeter and juicier taste.
Kohlrabi is a dietary vegetable that can be eaten raw, cooked or stewed.
The requirements for its cultivation are reduced to regular watering and placing in suitable soil.
via Almanac
Lettuce is one of the fast-growing fall vegetables which easy to grow in pots and small containers.
Its leaves are rich in fiber, vitamins, and minerals, so they are a real gift for anyone who cares about a healthy diet.
If you combine planting green and red lettuce in containers, you will get an amazing fresh decoration.
Lettuce grows to readiness in about a month, so prepare the containers with seedlings in late summer.
This vegetable loves light, but not heat, so do not place the container near a heat source.
When you regularly prune lettuce leaves, it rejuvenates and begins to develop even more actively.
Mustard Greens
This vegetable is liked by home gardeners because it is very easy to grow and ripens quickly.
To get a ready harvest you need 4 to 6 weeks of cultivation. Mustard greens are one of the famous fast-growing fall vegetables.
You can then plant a new batch of mustard every two weeks.
The leaves of this vegetable have a bitter, spicy taste, which is especially appreciated by its lovers.
Choose for your containers varieties with green, red, purple blades or combine for more color.
It is a vegetable of the legume family and is one of the oldest crops in the world.
There are many varieties, all of which are annuals.
Varieties that reach one meter in height are probably the most suitable for city gardens, in containers and pots on balconies, terraces, and verandas.
The time it will give you a harvest is about 60 days, so use the end of the summer days to plant peas in containers.
via Gardening Tips
Radishes are one of the fastest-growing vegetables, whether you plant them in the garden or in containers.
They are an extremely rich source of vitamins and minerals that we desperately need in the winter.
Their taste is slightly bitter, they have a crispy and fresh texture.
Radishes are suitable for salads, sandwiches, and side dishes in raw form.
To have ready-made radishes in autumn and winter, give them about a month to complete their growth and be ready for consumption. The Radish is one of the fast-growing fall vegetables.
When choosing to grow radishes in pots, be careful about their watering and do not allow drought in the top layer of soil.
via Dengarden
Spinach is the easiest indoor vegetable to grow.
You can safely place it on the window sill.
If you grow spinach in the fall, you should put it in a sunny place.
Do not overwater so that its roots do not rot. The soil should be moist but not wet.
Spinach has a mild taste and is suitable for many dishes.
It can be eaten raw as a salad or cooked. It can be used to make wonderful purees as a side dish to roasted meat dishes.
Use it to make meatballs, smoothies, or various pasta dishes with spinach filling.
Sweet Potatoes
Sweet potatoes are more useful than ordinary potatoes, so they are often served as a delicacy.
This root vegetable has a sweet taste, as its name suggests, and a thick texture.
You can fry and boil them or make soft purees from them.
They grow in about 5 to 6 weeks, so give yourself time to plant them.
via The Spruce
Swiss Chard
Swiss chard has an extremely nutritious taste and is a very beautiful decorative vegetable.
If you choose to put this plant in containers to meet your vegetable needs in the fall, keep in mind that it grows quite slowly and takes about two months to be ready for consumption.
After planting, care for it is minimal.
Be careful not to dry it on hot summer days so that it does not acquire a bitter taste.
Put it in a shady place.
via Gardener’s Path
Turnip is a vegetable that grows to readiness in about 4 weeks.
This vegetable is too one of the fast-growing fall vegetables.
It is used both raw for salads and cooked in soups, stews, and pasta.
Turnips have a bitter spicy taste, so consider the tastes of the whole family if you are going to plant turnips.
via Gardening Elsa